Tuesday, September 27, 2016

God Mind Map

After doing this assignment on the characterization of God, I learned many different things and I think differently about God than I did before. I thought that this assignment was very enjoyable because I was interested in learning about the story of Genesis and what God was like. As I read more and more, I got many different ideas and different opinions about God, God's personality, and God's actions. As I read, there were many times I stopped to think about what the text was telling and showing me about God and I continued to learn more about what kind of character God really is. Before reading this, I thought of God as a very happy and understanding person. After reading this, my thoughts slightly changed and I do not think of God as such a perfect, innocent person anymore. I began to think of him more as a selfish and cruel because of many of the things he did, such as putting all living things in danger and needing everything to be exactly how he wanted. For this assignment, we were told to read Genesis 6-9 and find examples of God's indirect characterization. I enjoy doing work with indirect characterization because I do not find it very difficult and It really helps me better understand different characters.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who is to blame for Adam and Eve being banished from the Garden of Eden?

After reading Genesis 2 & 3 Adam and Eve have been kicked out of the Garden of Eden.  I would blame the serpent because he was the one who lied to Eve.  In the text, he asked Eve “Did god really say, “ You must not eat from any tree in the garden?”  Eve said that they are able to eat from the trees in the garden but not the tree that is in the middle and do not touch it.  The serpent told Eve “You will not surely die”.  She believed him and ate the fruit from the middle tree and also gave it to her husband Adam to eat.  God realized that they ate from the tree because when they ate the fruit their eyes opened and they knew they were naked which Adam told god.  God cursed the serpent above all of the livestock and wild animals.  God then cursed both Adam and Eve and he banished them from the Garden of Eden. In the text, God said to Adam “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return”.   I think that Eve really believed the serpent and had she realized that he was being deceitful she would not have eaten from the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Comparing Flood Myths

The Haida Flood & The Epic of Gilgamesh
Information from: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html#Innuit

We are able to compare The Haida Flood Myth to The Epic of Gilgamesh in many ways.  In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian hero traveled the world to search how to cheat death. On his journey he met an old man named Utnapishtim who told him about a flood from centuries ago.
In The Haida Flood Myth there was a strange who woman was sitting by the seashore.  She kept on trying to move away as the tides rose higher and higher so she would not drown. Also, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods were angry at mankind so they sent a flood to destroy it. Gilgamesh built a boat for his family and “the seed of all living things”. When the rains subsided the boat had landed on a mountain and he was ok. In the Haida Flood Myth, the tides kept on rising but although the tide covered the entire island, the villagers were also saved because of the rafts that they had to help them. In both of these stories the people were unharmed even though they were in dire situations from the water.

Welcome to my blog

Hi, I'm Hallie Singer. Welcome to my blog! This year I made a transition from the middle school to the high school and it was definitely a great change for me. This year has been great so far and I am looking forward to getting the oppurtunity to post the many writing assignments I have in English for the rest of the year.  I am very excited to be sharing my future work, ideas, and opinions on many different things. I think that this blog will be very interesting and i hope hat everybody visiting my page will agree! :)